art & design by sambaneko

1366 x 768
  • 1366 x 768
  • 1600 x 900
  • 1920 x 1080
  • 1920 x 1200
  • 2560 x 1440
  • 2560 x 1600
  • 2880 x 1800
  • 3840 x 2160

Capper Silhouette Wall

I'm not big on Capper... From the first reveal, he seemed like such an obvious stereotype character: the slick fellow who's gonna pretend to befriend, then sell out, then feel guilty and become a full-fledged protagonist.  I was intrigued by the less-conventional, initial designs and story ideas for Capper's character that were revealed in the MLP Movie art book; it seemed as though he could've been more interesting... but turned out kind of bland.  Oh well, better than Grubber.

Published 2018-04-21